Young Farmer Feature: Holly Coffman (Summit View Farm)

Customer Feature Stories
Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers
A Family Legacy
Growing up on her family’s poultry farm in Rockingham County, farming was a way of life for Holly Coffman. Years later, Holly and her husband Sam built two poultry houses and started their own operation – just a few miles from where she grew up.
For Holly, the decision to start her own farm offered more than a career. She sees agriculture as an opportunity to create a legacy for her family, and for her daughter Adaline, a way to pass on the values instilled in her as a child.
“There’s so much to learn, so much to take away from being raised on a farm,” Holly said. “We just enjoy being able to stay home with her and teach her everything there is to learn.”
A Trusted Partner
With Farm Credit of the Virginias as a trusted partner the Coffman's expanded their operation to include turkeys, beef cattle, a pumpkin patch, hay and corn.
“Farm Credit has helped us grow our business. They’ve been open to all of our new ideas and the additions that we want to make,” Holly said. “They're willing to listen and have really been a great asset.”
Supporting Young and Beginning Farmers
As a young and beginning farmer, Holly has relied on resources and programs offered by Farm Credit to help her succeed.
Sarah Scyphers, a Knowledge Center program specialist who works primarily with young, beginning and small producer customers of Farm Credit of the Virginias noted, “We really try to strengthen their decision-making process and give them all the tools that they need to make the best decisions that they can make.”
Holly and other beginning farmers have access to Ag Biz Planner, a virtual education course run by Farm Credit University, to help them with business planning opportunities, building out financial sheets, goal setting and more.
“It's valuable for beginning farmers to work with Farm Credit because they understand the challenges and how hard it is to start farming as a young individual. They really work to help them make their dreams come true,” Holly said.